The Process & Importance Of Corporate Flu Vaccinations

Corporate flu vaccinations are the answer to a long-regarded issue that plagues many modern workplaces, the dreaded and inevitable influenza strain making its way around the office at least once a year. Influenza costs Australia over 2 billion dollars every year and around 1.5 million working days that can be avoided with the right preparation and coverage by workplaces.

The rise in corporate flu vaccinations is no happy accident, as time has gone on the process has become so nuanced and streamlined that it’s become part and parcel of many large conglomerates’ yearly plans. Communities have led the charge in terms of positive feedback for the programs overall, with marked decreases in sick days for companies and higher productivity for workers.

Understandably there is still some confusion as to the process of typical corporate flu vaccinations, so today will be a run-through on the basic setup for corporate flu vaccinations, as well as a few points marking their vital importance.

The Process

Corporate flu vaccinations are simple enough to understand, there are a lot of companies out there that offer this service, and they’ll all have their own particular approach. While the particulars may interchange depending on the company, there are a few underlying necessities that are on the table for any company offering corporate flu vaccinations.

Organisation & Bookings

The first step on the road to corporate flu vaccinations is in the booking, typically a workplace will a lot a certain day that suits the workers and the company as a whole. This is often the time where workplaces will inform their employees as to the participation of the company and get a reading on the numbers they’ll be expecting on the day.

On The Day

On the day, a trained specialist immunisation nurse (or nurses depending on the company size) arrive onsite to administer the corporate flu vaccinations. There’ll typically be an allotted space and each jab only takes a few minutes to administer. A lot of companies that offer this service will often have voucher programs for the employees that could not attend which takes a lot of pressure off the employees and employers.

Proper information is always given to those who receive the jab including after-care, what’s expected, and advice for keeping healthy. 

The Benefits

Woman getting corporate flu vaccinations

Corporate flu vaccinations are a wise move for companies to make, not only do they protect workers and the general public by reducing the rate and severity of sickness in the influenza season, but they also do wonders for the reputation of the company and serve their image in strange and wonderful ways.

For workers, there’s a sense of camaraderie on the day and the feeling that everyone is in it together, and of course that their workplace cares about their health.

For employers, there’s the fact of keeping workers safe and healthy being a primary motivator. Not only this though, but employers can also enjoy the unforeseen benefits of keeping your workers inoculated, the image and branding opportunity that resides in a company that overtly cares for their workers and opts to cover the costs of keeping them in a healthy state cannot be bought.

The reduction in sick days and notable increase in productivity is a happy cherry on the top.

Corporate flu vaccinations are a wise investment in not only the health and safety of workers but for the company as a whole. It’s highly recommended, especially with the lessons learned from the last 18 months, to consider having an inoculated and safe working environment with the help of corporate flu vaccinations.

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